A Spark Within

The shadows are lifting; there’s Light shining on the horizon. We’ve survived yet another season of battles within, and emerged victorious.

Between Michealmass (September 29) and the first Advent Sunday (November 26 or December 4 this year, depending on your perspective) we were invited to face the inner demons. We were encouraged to use the clarity of refined thinking to pierce through the shadowy realm of our subconscious, and hopefully purge away some negativity. As the days were getting shorter in the Northern hemisphere, it was time to descend into our own underworlds. We may have felt as if we were left alone, abandoned by the benevolent spiritual forces. They may have stepped aside a little, like a parent does, allowing us to practice our free will, relying on the higher level cognitive capacities of Imagination, Inspiration, Intuition. This way we could assess how far we’ve progressed in our spiritual growth. How consciously have we absorbed the spiritual gifts we were given during the Summer? Can we put them to work in the real world? Autumn is all about gathering, processing, storing, and using the harvest, not just physical, but also spiritual.

And now we’ve arrived at the beginning of the Advent season, the three to four weeks of awaiting the Sun to gain its strength anew. We made it over the big hump. We have overcome the major spiritual hurdles for the year. Yes, days are getting even shorter, but we can see the Light in the distance. Deep thinking still colors the Soul mood; the inner focus on feeling doesn’t begin until after the Winter Solstice and Christmas.

Unfortunately, the post-modern Western society is far removed from these intricacies of Soul life. Instead, we’re bombarded with advertisements and sales and special promotions from Black Friday through New Year. The message is buy, buy, and buy some more. “Don’t have cash? No problem. Just give us your credit card. You have the whole year ahead of you to work and pay it off.”

I see Black Friday, or rather Dark Friday, as a triumph of shadows. Instead of cultivating the uplifting energy of giving thanks, we’re pushed off the cliff into the abyss of consumerism. The reptilian brain, ruling our base desires for material goods and quick physical satisfaction, overshadows the human frontal lobe activity. “The frontal lobe is able to synthesize thought with emotion…to give us compassion, reverence for life, unconditional love…altruism and empathy,” writes Dr. Carla Hannaford in her book Smart Moves.

Don’t let the negative animal instincts take over your human sensibilities for Truth and Goodness. I invite you to read Smart Moves this Advent season. It’s about child development, based on scientific neurological research, but everyone will benefit from the insights. The sections that guide through the findings of neurological research may be a bit difficult to read, but stick to it. You’ll be rewarded for your efforts.


“Overcome darkness; nourish the spark within and be inspired into joy.” ~ Soulful Wizardess


Defy consumerism. Engage in activities that are befitting your true human nature. Create your own simple tokens of appreciation to give to your friends. Take time to make a well-thought-out list of soulful gifts.

Make a conscious decision this December to tune into your Soul, a spiritual seed residing in your heart. Allow time each day to slow down and contemplate. You can also put together a small advent wreath with four candles, using what you already have available at home. (Word of caution: Never leave a lit candle unattended. Always thoroughly distinguish the flame before leaving your sacred space.)

As we wait for the Sun to turn around and ascend again, let’s honor the four aspects of life on Earth.

  • Rudolf Steiner suggests pondering the mineral elements in the natural world during the first week of Advent. Light one candle this Sunday or during the week, placing a stone or a crystal next to it.
  • Then next Sunday, celebrate the plants as you lit two candles. Decorate your altar with a twig, a leaf, or an evergreen branch. Just pick something on your walk. Yes, this is possible even in New York City.
  • The third Sunday and week are about animals. Light three candles. Add a bone, a feather, a shell, or a bit of fur from your own or your friend’s pet. Take only what’s discarded naturally as you groom a dog or a cat.
  • On the Christmas Eve Sunday light all four candles to celebrate our humanity. No need for anything additional: you, a human being, are already present. And you can make a five-pointed star form a nice piece of paper to represent your human gestalt. Make a conscious effort between Christmas and New Year’s Day to honor our uniqueness in the Universe: We are spiritual beings, experiencing a life on the Earth.

(If you’d like to learn more about Steiner’s suggestions to celebrating festivals, you may want to read the compilation of his lectures The Festivals and Their Meaning: What Do the Festivals Mean to Us Today? by Rudolf Steiner Press.)

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Resist the lure of media this holiday season.
Slow down.
Give meaningful gifts.

Here some free soulful tools to help you practice a more enlightened December.


Free subscription to weekly soulful sparks (worldwide)

You will receive free full-color printable pages from the Soulful Sparks Calendar 2017 for conscious planning of the remaining weeks of this year (from December 3, 2017, through January 6, 2018), and free guided harmonious movement meditations to move through the holiday season in full awareness. Catch the Soulful Sparks.


Insightful name and birth chart analysis (worldwide)

You all know your own name, don’t you? But do you know that your name holds a key to who you are and a secret to your purpose in this lifetime? Explore the equilibrium that is ready to unfold for you in 2018, the year of Earth Dog, which corresponds to Libra in the Western horoscope. Learn what you need to do now to assist the process of finding the grounding balance. Discover star wisdom hidden in your name.


Harmonious movement classes (in NYC)

Engage in quality time with others during the end-of-year festivities of Light. Tune into the wisdom of your Soul. Nurture your life forces with harmonious movement art of eurythmy: a spiritual practice, a healing art, and a creative expression. Relax with heart-felt moves.


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Contemplate this week’s image and verse:


A Spark Within

To read the Rudolf Steiner’s Verse 35 for this week, click here.

Over to you, dear Soulful Reader:




I invite you to share your thoughts + impressions below.


Treat yourself to insightful name analysis…

Know Thyself through Dynamic Name Mandala


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