Beyond Our Narrow Limits


Let’s celebrate Life: old and new. The decayed compost nourishes fresh offspring. Aged wisdom and young blood commune in heart-felt exchange. Steady warmth and flames of inspiration encourage us to create in mindful cooperation.


May we arise from the self-imposed narrowness.


Hug a tree, embrace a friend, revel in the beauty of Nature, immerse yourself in dance to the sounds of human speech and live acoustic music. Allow your Spirit to be on fire; nurture the warmth of your body. Bright yellow, pouring in from the stars of Gemini during the last month of Spring, bring joy, the eagerness to live, to create.

We inhale the cosmic ideas of the future, and exhale the joyful creations in the present. Breathe in and breathe out. Live. Air moves through the body; move the air in space with your bodies. Life is expansion and contraction, the never ending, always changing relation between you and me, the harmonious movement of the Universe.

Planets and stars shine, tones and vowels and consonants sound, and I am danced in harmony. My bones sing, my feelings move. The overgrown skin falls away. The self-imposed cocoon cracks open. Let go of the worn-out attire and create a fresh one in vibrant colors.

The first buds on the branches of the river birch and the oak in the backyard were small reddish bursts in the early spring. And now, the vibrant green leaves already fully cover the tree skeletons. The initial breakthroughs from within have expanded into the exuberant growth. The weaving of the Summer garments is in full sway. The blossoms of fruit-bearing trees are merrily blanketing the grass with soft white and pink petals for you. Sink into the fragrant carpet with grateful abandon. Let go of the Sleeping Beauty mode. Wake up and embrace the Soulmate waiting at your side. Yes, it’s wonderful to make love with another person, but don’t forget to love yourself first.

Throughout the month of May in the Northern hemisphere, the Nature is encouraging us to celebrate Love, the Cosmic Union. The Sacred Marriage of your earthly self with your Highest Self, who is at home in the Universe. You can change her/his name to Muse or Cosmic Beloved, if you wish. You are invited to enter into the harmonious flow of the Earth and the Sky anew.

Our task as human beings is to discover the cosmic dance of weeks and seasons, of stars and planets, of vowels and consonants and sounds of music. We are to embody the abstract sacred geometry of Life in breathing creations and movement that is alive.

Rudolf Steiner gave indications how each verse in the Calendar of the Soul, the basis for the Soulful Sparks of Inspiration, is to be moved in eurythmy, the art of harmonious movement. His verse that inspired these week’s soulful sparks, holds a special place in my heart: with four of my classmates, we performed it in July of 2014 in Dornach, Switzerland, at the annual gathering of the graduates from eurythmy schools world-wide. The Steiner’s form is a harmonious co-existence of a square, a triangle, circles, six-pointed and five-pointed stars.

The costumes are white silk gowns with red, yellow, and purple thin silk veils. No orange on the physical plane for this choreography: the orange emerges on the cosmic etheric plane in the opposing field of purple and yellow, and through the attraction of yellow and red.

The words, forms, gestures, and colors bring to life an understanding of the world as an intricate interlacing of creativity, breathing, and deep spiritual truths.


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Contemplate this week’s image and verse:


Beyond Our Narrow Limits

To read the Rudolf Steiner’s Verse 06 for this week, click here.

Over to you, dear Soulful Reader:




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