Soulful Tools

Dynamic Name Analysis

Dynamic Name™ Mandala, developed by Marta Stemberger, is a unique name and birth chart analysis, based on the insights from eurythmy, the art of harmonious movement. It uncovers the planets and the stars in in your name, and reveals a fresh dimension of who you are. Click here to learn more and to schedule a session.

Discover your signature celestial pattern to move through your life with soulful awareness and peaceful confidence.

...every Sunday at 9 pm EST...

Soulful Sparks Radio

Do you crave a deeper and more satisfying spiritual engagement? Inspired by Rudolf Steiner’s work, Soulful Wizardess Marta Stemberger, and special guests talk about the Soul’s journey, harmonious movement art of eurythmy, Dynamic Name™ Analysis.

All shows are archived and available to listen for free at your leisure.

Soulful Spark Radio is currently on pause, however, the audio shows will resume in 2022.

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FREE Harmonious Movement Meditation

IAO Harmonious Movement Meditation

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FREE Guide for Your Soulful Journey

Soulful Sparks Guide 2016©Marta Stemberger

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You’re such an amazing person.

But have the daily hassles dulled your sparkles?

Re-ignite your inner fire.

Awaken the layers of your Soul season by season.

Soulful Sparks Guide 2016©Marta Stemberger

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Free soulful tools for more conscious daily living await you...

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