The Gift of Winter

Have you ever noticed the pinkish tinge of naked branches and tree trunks at this time of the year? A certain gentleness and softness permeates the chilly months, if only we allow ourselves to slow down and notice. It’s as if our human bones are reflected in the structure of the tree people. They graciously unclothe themselves every Winter for us to see the Life pulsating through their core. They’re quiet now, gathering the juices deep in the soil, fine-tuning their song. Then they turn around to push the sap towards the Sun anew at the beginning of February, at the Christian festival of Candlemas and the pagan festival of Imbolc, on February 2, marking the Mid-Winter. We’ll be able to enjoy the whispering of the leaves again in Spring, Summer, and Autumn.

Observing the bare branches, I’m reminded that we carry the song of Life in our bones, the insight I received through the eurythmy training. I cannot share movement with you on a page, but a poetic expression may give you a taste.

By Marta Stemberger

Know thyself.
From within your bare self out.
Release the melody
stored in your bones.
Song created me.
My purpose in life is
to excavate the score,
to move its flow.

Share your tune.
What is it?
How does it merge with others?
The more vigorous the research,
the clearer the voice,
the purer the Soul.

Can humanity
create music fit for
the Harmonies of the Spheres,
or will we drown ourselves
in technological noise?

“Listen to your true song in the quiet of the Winter.” ~ Soulful Wizardess

I enjoy observing the dance of the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, the planets, and the stars. Each celestial body follows its own path, and thus co-creates the choreography of the Universe. The more we fine-tune our sensibilities, the keener our perceptions of their vibrations.

Everything is in the everlasting flow of energy. The continually changing movement is the only constant there is. We are in the midst of the many streams. The vibes around us affect us. At the same time, each one of us is also adding to the dance: by standing still, or by moving in a pattern. We may be shocked into immobility, pushed into particular direction, or we may decide to create and follow a design of our own. The choice is up to you, but you have to wake up.

The key at this point in human evolution is to shift from the passive to active mode of consciousness. Instead of blindly following the lead of gurus and traditional practices, we need to open the inner eyes and try to discern the Truth with our own inner Light.

In winter’s depths is kindled

true spirit life with glowing warmth;

it gives to world appearance of its power to be

through the forces of the heart.

Grown strong, the human soul defies

the coldness of the world with inner fire.

~ Verse 43 by Rudolf Steiner from The Calendar of the Soul
(trans. Ruth & Hans Pusch, with a slight revision by Marta Stemberger)

When it’s dismal outside, enter your inner chambers for nourishment. Connect with your Highest Self for guidance. May Love and Light prevail. The Rudolf Steiner’s verse in the Calendar of the Soul for the 43rd week after Easter assures us that mature human souls can defy the coldness of the world with inner fire. Your true song is awaiting in the soft glow of your soulful abode’s hearth. Listen with awareness. Learn your unique tune. Embody its vibes in mindful action.

In the cold and dark days,  

our inner Light grows stronger.

We nurture our Soul and Spirit,

share the warmth of our heart.

Winter offers us a sense

that our true song exists.

~ Soulful Spark 43 by Marta Stemberger

An acquaintance of mine called the Soulful Sparks of Inspiration “a wonderfully inspired initiative.” Yes, it is an initiative, reminding us to create a community even when we are alone. I envision the image-and-verse sparks that I send out each Sunday as a gentle nudge to imagine yourself standing in your favorite circle, quietly listening and contemplating your chosen inspirational verse. It’s a heart-felt impulse to create a circle of bright human souls enveloping the Earth, our home. A simple practice with a potentially profound impact. How can we help the world if we feel isolated from each other? To effectively change any damaging patterns, we must first tend to our own inner hearth within the community of other warm human hearts.

May we be filled with Light in these dark Winter days. May we overcome technological coldness, and connect through human warmth. May we have the courage to share our genuine song with each other.

Over to you, dear Soulful Reader:


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