Be Free of Shadows

The world of matter dances with lightness and darkness, moves in contraction and expansion. The world of Spirit is pure Light in continuous expansion. As humans, we are in between. A marvelous place to be. The play of light and dark surrounds us with colors. We, the humans, are the sacred marriage of matter and Spirit. Each one of us united with our Beloved, the individual Highest Self.

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Blossoms in the Soul

Birds are happy, chirping away in the woods and backyards: “It’s springtime. Let’s have fun.” Play is important. Like birds and trees, we too, each one of us, sing our own melody and blossom at our own time. Can we provide supportive and carefree mood for our individual expression?

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In the Spirit’s Flow

Everything has its reason. We just have to look for it. The answer may be clear cut and simple, or a bit vague and complex. Here’s my question: Why is Easter on the first Sunday after the first full Moon after the Spring Equinox in the Northern hemisphere?

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Souls Enrich the Spirit

We deserve love and comfort on every level. Nobody and nothing ever deserves pain and suffering, of any kind. The experience of pain exists only to alert us that we’ve veered off the smooth path. Suffering is a consequence of our belief, mostly subconscious, that we deserve pain. But the truth is that we are all made of the same essential particles: Light and Love.

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Perceive, Reflect, Renew

The purpose of the present is to have a conscious experience. The soulful engagement strengthens the Spirit. It’s time to enliven our inner flame. Shine the Light with compassion. Allow your Highest Self embrace you in Love. May the shadows disappear into the brightness of the Soul.

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Awaken Your Dreams

Often we try so hard to fit into our physical bodies and daily obligations that we forget who we are. “You don’t have a soul, YOU ARE A SOUL. You have a body,” writes C.S. Lewis. It brought me to tears when I saw this quote for the first time. We are a soul, each one of us.

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Clarity Shines

Do you dare to face the Truth? The initial glance may be awkward: you need to have the strength to maintain the focus for a while, and then the door opens.

When in doubt whether you’re pursuing the impermanent luster or the Eternal Light, look within. Tune into your Soul, connect with your inner flame, and link up with your Highest Self. The answer awaits you.

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Light Awakens Love

The white snow is a protective blanket that slows us down with the invitation to step within and find what has to be gratefully placed on the compost pile. Its rich substance will encourage the bits of dreams to push through the unconscious, and surprise us with glorious creations. There are no deadlines, just the right moment for a kernel to blossom.

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You’re such an amazing person.

But have the daily hassles dulled your sparkles?

Re-ignite your inner fire.

Awaken the layers of your Soul season by season.

Soulful Sparks Guide 2016©Marta Stemberger

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