In the Spirit’s Flow

Life is a never-ending spiral. We need to surrender to its flow as we walk through shadows and Light, falling and rising. Without the shadows, we aren’t able to truly experience the Light; without the falling, we won’t appreciate the rising.

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Souls Enrich the Spirit

We deserve love and comfort on every level. All of us. This is the most important thing to know, and believe, and embrace. Nobody and nothing ever deserves pain and suffering, of any kind. The experience of pain exists only to alert us that we’ve veered off the smooth path. Suffering is a consequence of our belief, mostly subconscious, that we deserve pain. It’s a powerful illusion of the material plane. But the truth is that we are all made of the same essential particles: Light and Love.

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Perceive, Reflect, Renew

The purpose of the present is to have a conscious experience. Our true presence in the Now nourishes the divine offering. The soulful engagement strengthens the Spirit. It’s time to enliven our inner flame. Shine the Light with compassion. Allow your Highest Self embrace you in Love.

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Awaken Your Dreams

Refresh your amazing ideas, play with possibilities, create your own reality. “Don’t worry, be happy,” sings Bobby McFerrin. The time is now. Stop worrying, start being happy. Align with the true North—your Highest Self—and shine.

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Clarity Shines

When in doubt whether you’re pursuing the impermanent luster or the Eternal Light, look within. Tune into your Soul, connect with your inner flame, and link up with your Highest Self. The answer awaits you.

Let’s share our humanity with each other to inspire the divine nature in all of us.

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Light Awakens Love

The basic recipe for happiness is very simple: When in doubt, open to the Light, and you shall receive clarity. When in pain, open to the Light, and you shall be embraced with Love. It works!

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Fresh Stirrings

The Soul has learnt much about Love during its winter sojourn in the realms of feeling, and is now clearing, or rather cleansing, the path to make the insights of the heart visible in the world of matter.

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Endure and Thrive

Where does anything begin? Nothing starts from nothing. A tiny green sprout we notice poking through the ground didn’t just appear out of the blue. There was a seed, nutrients in the soil, rain showering moisture, the sun shining warmth. There’s always something else before the manifestation that we can observe with our five senses.

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You’re such an amazing person.

But have the daily hassles dulled your sparkles?

Re-ignite your inner fire.

Awaken the layers of your Soul season by season.

Soulful Sparks Guide 2016©Marta Stemberger

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