Co-Creating Life

We are spiritual and gregarious creatures. The Spirit Light and human love are essential ingredients for our species to live. We need communion with the Divine, as well as the embrace of the human community to keep our Soul sparkle alive. Let’s connect with others on the same path to ignite communal passion for raising humanity to the next level, to peaceful co-creative co-existence.

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Soul Dance

Human souls breathe with the Soul of our home planet and awaken when touched by its expressions in the seasons of Nature. The energy of the heavens colors the Earth as the Sun passes through the constellations on its journey through the four key positions in the dance between the Sun and the Earth: Winter and Summer solstices, Spring and Autumnal equinoxes.

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Soak in the Sun

Yes, it’s hot and humid. The weather is pushing us to step off the fast track. Yet, we can still get the work done. One can often accomplish more when operating in a smoother groove.

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Whisper of Consciousness

New larynx is emerging for new consciousness to communicate through the syntax of poetry, through the kinesthetics of sacred geometry, making cosmic truth visible, making the music of the spheres perceptible.

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Allow the Light

The Mother Earth looks gorgeous at any time, and especially during the Summer, while the Father Sky smiles with light and warmth on us. Pause and be grateful for the beauty and riches that are present in your life now.

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Enchanted Web

Summertime invites us to open up the doors and windows of our inner world to the Light and warmth of the Sun, the benevolent cosmic being. The trees are enwrapped in their lush high summer attire, and we too can enjoy the spirit garments woven of Light and Love.

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Find Your Unique Flow

Summertime, and yes, the living seems easier… if we let go of tight schedules, if we slow down. The high Sun invites us to step out of the artificial cubicles, and to soak in the beauty of Nature.

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Slow Down to Feel Alive

Yes, it takes more time to meet with a friend face-to-face over a leisure lunch. Yes, it takes more effort to dedicate a full evening to spend with your romantic partner. No rush, no demands, just to be together, enjoy each other.

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You’re such an amazing person.

But have the daily hassles dulled your sparkles?

Re-ignite your inner fire.

Awaken the layers of your Soul season by season.

Soulful Sparks Guide 2016©Marta Stemberger

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