Allow the Light

Summertime, and the livin’ is easy

Fish are jumpin’ and the cotton is high

Oh, your daddy’s rich and your ma is good-lookin’

So hush little baby, don’t you cry.

~ From Ella Fitzgerald’s Summertime

The little baby is our lower ego, who tends to complain and not notice the blessings. The nanny singing the song is the Guardian Angel, reminding the scared earthly self to focus on the positive side of life. And be grateful.

The Mother Earth looks gorgeous at any time, and especially during the Summer, while the Father Sky smiles with light and warmth on us. Pause and be grateful for the beauty and riches that are present in your life now.

We close ourselves in the air-conditioned rooms and offices, we stare non-stop at the television and computer screens… no wonder we feel discouraged. The metal black-gray-white boxes and panels bombard us with bad news most of the time. Even the main movie releases between Memorial Day and Labor Day in the U.S. showcase action and violence and blood. Physical battles fueled by the greed for power.

You have a choice: you can change your diet of external stimuli. Get off the over-processed food with hidden motives, provided by the main stream media and entertainment industry. Open the doors and windows. Step outside to nourish yourself with soulful nutrients of Nature: the lush greenery of the trees, soft breezes against your skin, slower pace encouraged by heat and humidity, bright and lingering light. Observe and enjoy the changing colors of the Summer sky throughout the day.

Go to the local farmer’s market: revel in the abundance of edible Nature’s offerings. And there’s much more to come. The seeds, planted earlier in the year, are slowly growing and ripening. We’re beginning to see the shapes of the fruit on the trees, and the grain on the stems of wheat in the fields. We prepared the fertile ground, watered the seeds lovingly; we pruned and weeded to give space for growth. But right now, we can’t do much more. We need to stand back and let the Sun plump the fruit and grain with its nourishing warmth.

The seeds of our dreams follow the same principle. We show up and do the work, but there comes a time when we need to let go and allow the Light to guide us. “How do I do that?” you may ask. By opening up to receive. How can the Light enter our Soul’s chambers if we enclose ourselves in air-tight cubicles? How can abundance reach our homes if we shut and lock all the doors and windows?

Our fears and insecurities are very hypocritical guardians: they promise protection, yet, fail to disclose that they block us from success to give a false sense of safety. Summertime is the worst enemy to the inner negativity and darkness. The Spirit world bathes all living creatures in natural light and warmth. If we go with the flow, and slow down, and commune with the Nature, many tensions and anxieties will simply melt away. You know how peaceful and energized you feel after a good vacation? Cherish that gift, and remember the feeling. You can attain it consciously at any time. Invite the benevolent Spirit beings to shine Light and Love through your Soul’s abode, and dissolve any emotional darkness, negativity, insecurities, fears. Engage deeper in the process by practicing the I-A-O (pronounced “ee-ah-oh”) harmonious movement meditation, available for free by clicking here.

To bear in inward keeping spirit bounty

is stern command of my prophetic feeling,

that ripened gifts divine

maturing in the depths of soul

to selfhood bring their fruits.

~ Weekly Verse 16 by Rudolf Steiner from The Calendar of the Soul
(trans. Ruth & Hans Pusch)

My intuition guides me

to hold my Spirit gifts,

nourish them in my Soul

to ripen deep inside me

and grow into mature I.

~ Soulful Spark 16 by Marta Stemberger

“Breathe, relax, tune in. Enjoy your dreams manifesting.”

The heaven on Earth is possible indeed. It’s up to humanity to make a decision. The Universe is waiting for us, now. Are we ready? Are we conscious enough to choose to manifest pure joy?

Breathe, relax, tune in, and let the forces of Light, Love, Life ripen your sprouted seeds to fully flourish. Be open to receive the gifts; be ready to enjoy the dreams as they become your enriched reality.

Over to you, dear Soulful Reader:


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1 Comment

  1. Thank you, Marta! Yes, indeed, we are in full summer. It’s HOT, HOT, and it’s HARD, and anxious I am learning to put boundaries with the E; I found the trees in my gardens branches doing an E when I went out there to breathe.

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