Tapestries of Life

My sister sent me this week’s image—see below—a while back. I was drawn to it immediately, but couldn’t quite find the right moment to feature it until the middle of October. Even though she captured the photo during the Summer several years ago, I felt it contains more. Yes, there’s a sense of August brightness, but it also contains the bare structure of Winter, as well as the comfort of the Autumn’s riches. And thus fits well with the Rudolf Steiner’s verse for the Soulful Week 29 from his Calendar of the Soul:

To fan the spark of thinking into flame

by my own strong endeavor,

to read life’s inner meaning

out of the cosmic spirit’s fount of strength:

This is my summer heritage,

my autumn solace, and my winter hope.

~ Weekly Verse 29 by Rudolf Steiner from The Calendar of the Soul
(trans. Ruth & Hans Pusch)

As I contemplated the Steiner’s words, and digested them through my own life experiences, the following poem arose:

Autumn weaves intricate

tapestries of life and death,

inviting me to contemplate

the depths of existence.

I honor my Sun’s heritage

I forgive the fallen shadows,

I hope for new Life through Love.

~ Soulful Spark 29 by Marta Stemberger

I added my sister’s original photo, and wrapped my inspired verse and her image with the colors, informed by the insights from the harmonious movement art of eurythmy. Et voilà, this week’s Soulful Sparks were created.

“Listen for your unique chord, your song of inner peace.”

Autumn is an intriguing time of the year. The fruits of the Earth are plump with the warmth they’ve been absorbing throughout the Summer’s heat. The leaves, turning into vibrant hues of red, orange, and yellow, remind us of the brightness of the season passed. All the while the trees are shedding off their luscious attire, starting to show yet again their bare Winter frame. And farmers know it’s time to safely store the gathered abundance for the dark and cold days ahead.

Spring inspires us, nay, pushes us to move forward in the blind faith of a young child. Autumn reveals the transformations in nature and invites us to contemplate. The season is rich, yet stern, interweaving life and death into a tapestry, full of intricate meaning.

We observe the constant changes in life and yearn to comprehend what it all means. As we grow into mature human beings, we may begin to understand the whisperings of the fall. We may hear a familiar chord, reminiscent of our own life’s transitions. If we listen carefully, we may discern a glimpse of hidden messages. We may receive a gift from the Universe, a token of confirmation that we are on the right path. These are the proverbial pearls of spiritual wisdom to be gratefully strung into our personal necklace of life. Take out your jewels and admire the bounty you’ve acquired so far on your earthly journey. Look for the story, your own unique tale in the treasure box of your experience.

What is the underlying thread, the moulin rouge, of your life so far? Allow yourself to slow down during these colorful and crisp Autumn days to find your spiritual chord, resounding ever so slightly in your being’s essence.

Over to you, dear Soulful Reader:


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  1. Thank you

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