Let Go to Be Free

In this world of fragmentation and disconnection, many are suffering the ugly duckling syndrome. We are trying hard to make sense of who we are. Where do I fit in? Who can see me for who I truly am? What is the origin of my unique human experience?

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Embraced by the Spirit

Prepare to soar into the radiant Sun’s heights. Let go to be free to shine. To enjoy a smooth ride through the glory of the Summer.

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Dare to Explore

Lemons are like seeds: one needs to know how to bring them to life, how to get the best out of them, how to discover their purpose. One needs to experiment to find the best use of things… and life.

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Joyful Union

The more I open my heart, the more I can experience the joyful union with you, even when a relationship dissolves. We are both of Light and we see the truth in Love.

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Tuning into Intuition

When nature showers us with its fresh display of will and beauty—joie-de-vivre—we’re inspired with desires to accomplish a lot in a short period. Yet, we tend to forget that rest is important, too, otherwise, we deplete the resources and cannot bring our dreams to life.

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Beyond Our Narrow Limits

Let’s celebrate Life: old and new. The decayed compost nourishes fresh offspring. Aged wisdom and young blood commune in heart-felt exchange. Steady warmth and flames of inspiration encourage us to create in mindful cooperation.

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Joy, Creative Urge

Spring is fully here. Joy and excitement are in the air. Bright days have pushed the winter darkness away. Fresh energy, full of promise, encourages us to give birth to our dreams. Let’s embrace the fun adventures ahead.

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In Bright Embrace

One step at the time. Visions are strong, Light is bright, but the cold still sends shivers down the spine. Birthing the new requires time, and patience, and strength. Rest and cuddle. Go about it playfully. The roots of your dream provide you with the main sustenance: the riches of the composted past. And trust that the Sun will gain more power, that its rays will reach the Earth, not only with Light, but with warmth as well.

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You’re such an amazing person.

But have the daily hassles dulled your sparkles?

Re-ignite your inner fire.

Awaken the layers of your Soul season by season.

Soulful Sparks Guide 2016©Marta Stemberger

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